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December 03, 2005



this is a great picture-movie-storyboard-like report. I love it ... how about posting it on BLC's blog as well ... it will automatically get sent to the respective emails (for those who are not into blogging culture yet *yet*)

I was indeed doing two things when I woke up seeing it drizzle heavily. One, prayed - and checking with God about his sense of humor (perhaps) and lessons he's possibly teaching us. Two, allowed my mind to roam for alternatives (just in case).

But, frankly .. there was a small voice that said ... it will be ok ... and it was more than ok .. it was good and great! All praise to the one who created the park, and the nature in which rain and sunshine is part of ... and most important of all the Rumah Hope kids, BLC Kids, Shell Kids ... some people who passed by and struck a conversation (I remember a Father taking his son I presume whom I could see had learning disabilities) - precious moments.

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