We watched the Butterfly Effect last night. This description sums it up well:
Evan (Kutcher) mournes over his girlfriend's death while recolleting his childhood memories of his blackouts. But in the process discovers that he has the ability to go back in time and alter the past. But everytime he changes something, it goes wrong. Which, on a personal note, makes the tagline work well. "Change one thing. Change everything."
I won't tell you the ending in case you have not seen it. It sparks the thought though what would you do if you could go back and change what you thought was a mistake ? Would you end up compounding it ?
Then I thought what would have happened if Pilate was able to do what Evan did and go back to the trial and free Jesus instead of Barabbas ?
On the whole it is best to look forward in life which is not to say that you don't regret mistakes but they cannot be undone. We have to learn from them, apologise if we have hurt others, make restitution if necessary and teach our children not to make the same errors.